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Friends of Big Wood Nature Reserve
Newsletter - January 2018

Please complete the renewal form for 2018 and we would be grateful if you could complete and pay the subscription for 2018. Last year we received over £1000 in subs and are hoping to receive at least as much this year. We need funds to carry out our programme of surveys in the wood, reprint the Big Wood leaflet, purchase saplings etc and pay for speakers/hire of hall.
Membership is £15 per individual or £20 per household of more than one and of course if you wish to make a donation over and above this amount it will be greatly welcomed. You can either pay by cheque or pay directly into the Friends bank account. Details are under contact above and this link. People who joined in the October 2017-Now period are deemed to have paid for 2018



We had a successful morning last Saturday although we could have done with a larger turnout (we were 11). We have now cleared five of the 9 glades of bramble and other invasive species as well as building traditional fencing and dead hedges around some of the glades. To complete our immediate programme of work, we need a good turn out for the next two activity mornings which will take place on
Saturday February 10th
Saturday March 3rd

- starting at 10am until 12.30. We all meet at the Temple Fortune Gate at 10am.

Anyone arriving late telephone 07973541264 to find out where we are working n the wood


We will be organising another series of walks in the wood once spring arrives. Details will be sent in good time


Do not forget the next evening meeting will take place on January 16th starting at 7.30pm in Fellowship House. The speaker who has just completed a survey on lichen in Big Wood will discuss his findings and tell us all about lichens.

We will advise you when we have organised some more talks.

Remember that all details are here on our web site so do signpost your local friends and neighbours to visit the site and encourage them join the Association and to be Friends Of Big Wood.


A great article was written by Peter Falk on the formation of Friends of Bigwood and published in the Suburb News

View article - Suburb News


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