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Friends of Big Wood Nature Reserve
Newsletter - January 2020



Just to remind you, our activity mornings Jan-Mar 2020 are
Saturday January 18th
Sunday February 16th
Saturday March 14th
As usual we meet at the top of Temple Fortune Hill at10am and work until 12.30pm
with a break for coffee etc. Anyone turning up late should contact 07973541264 to
find out where we are working in the wood.



Your Committee is meeting in January to decide the programme for 2020 and there will
be more details in the next Newsletter.


Annual Subscriptions

 The annual subscriptions, now due for 2020, are unchanged at £15 for an individual or
£20 per household. We ask you to complete and return the membership renewal sheet



The AGM took place before the Butterfly talk on Tuesday October 29th 2019.
The Accounts were circulated and discussed.They showed that total income in 2018 was £1940 including income from
walks and expenditure was £1459 and the carry forward to 2019 was £868. In 2019, Income to date was £1434 and expenditure £800. The fall in subscription income was caused by 12 households not renewing but total active membership was still over 80. During the year Kim Einhorn stepped down from the committee but she still manages the web site on behalf of the Friends. Lavinia Kartal. Maria Schlatter and Geoff Segar were co-opted onto the Committee during the year to join Bruce Mackay, Chris Johnstone, Philip Samworth and Peter Falk. The appointments of the three new members were proposed by David Morris and seconded by Philip Samworth and therefore approved at the meeting.
As there was no further business, the meeting terminated. AGM


Remember that all details are here on our web site so do signpost your local friends and neighbours to visit the site and encourage them join the Association and to be Friends Of Big Wood.


The Friends of Big Wood Organisation is aware of the new General Data Protection Legislation. Organisations such as ours, which keep a register of names purely for recreational reasons, are exempt from the new regulations. We would advise you all that the data stored is purely to enable us to provide information about Big Wood and no information will be passed to any third party. If, nevertheless, you would like your details deleted from the list, please email us



A great article was written by Peter Falk on the formation of Friends of Bigwood and published in the Suburb News

View article - Suburb New


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