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A comprehensive breeding bird survey was undertaken by Bird Brain UK in 2015 to determine the breeding bird species of Bigwood

open pdf to read full 2021 report 



Four surveys were completed at Big Wood, London from February to May 2021 to identify what
species of birds are breeding on the site. Specific attention was paid to species of high
conservation value. The February and March surveys were completed by David Darrell-Lambert,
the April and May surveys were completed by Adam Wilson. This survey followings on from the
breeding bird survey completed in 2015 at Big Wood




Twenty five species of birds were recorded breeding on the site with a population range of 130 to
205 pairs. Three of these species are on the Red list** of conservation importance and three are
on the Amber list***.
A further six species were recorded that were not breeding, they were either recorded flying over
the site or winter visitors to the area.
A comparison with the previous breeding bird surveys in 2015 shows an increase in the population
by 3%. The increase is marginal but should be taken as a good indication that population is
healthy. The wood holds a good density of breeding birds which is frequently occur in urban areas.



The site was surveyed from February to May 2021, with four visits (approximately every four
weeks) starting one hour before sunrise and completed within four hours. All birds were recorded
on paper maps with their behaviour noted. Particular attention was paid to breeding birds or those
that showed signs of breeding. The route taken was varied and surveys were completed in
optimum field conditions (little or no wind or rain). Experienced ornithologists were used



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