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Friends of Big Wood Nature Reserve
Newsletter - April 2018


We completed our series of work activity mornings with our last meeting taking place in March. We managed to complete the programme of works planned to clear all the 9 glades from brambles and ground ivy as well as re coppicing in three glades. We also built up a number of dead hedges and hurdle fencing around the glades and plan more of this work in the autumn to encourage walkers  to keep to the paths when walking around the extremity of the wood to deter them from walking on wild flowers areas. These activity mornings are great fun and we also enjoy ourselves by having a “tea break” which includes mulled wine in cold weather.Thank you to all the regulars who work so hard. To the others, please do come when we restart in the autumn. Dates will be advised in a 
future News letter.

We wrote to you in March asking you to support the Committee in their efforts to persuade the Council to amend their policy towards this tree at the edge of Big Wood at the back of 15 North Square. Thank you to the considerable number who wrote to the Council which greatly supported our stance. We are pleased to say that Council tree officers agreed to a new meeting with us at which a veteran tree expert also attended and the Council has now agreed to limit the proposed work to large branches above the crown and not more than 3/4 meters will be cut off any branch. This will mean the 
overall reduction will be of the order of 15% instead of the originally proposed 40% greatly reducing the stress to the old tree and our tree expert is content that the proposed work will help to balance the tree and help to extend its life. The Council has also agreed to advise when the work is taking place so we can monitor the work. This is a good example of the Friends and the Council working together and we would also like to acknowledge the support and help of Cllr John Marshall.

This tree should not be confused with another oak tree close to the veteran tree. This other tree, although close by, is actually situated within the garden of number 15 North Square and is therefore not of direct concern to the Friends of Big Wood. Work has been carried out to reduce this tree and cut some branches. 
We have been informed that Barnet Council gave permission for works to be carried out on this tree.



David Darrell Lambert led another early morning Bird Walk on March 25th. We will try not to organise a walk with such an early start on the morning when the 
clocks go forward for summer next year!. You have already been contacted about the next walk which will take place on Sunday April 29th at 2pm. This will be a 
wild flower walk in the wood led by David Bevan. To book a place, contact Details of other walks including trees, fungi, lichens and an 
evening bat stroll will be circulated later.


The next two evening talks will take place on Tuesday Sept 11th and Tuesday December 11th both starting at 7.30pm at Fellowship House. Please put the dates in your 
diary. The September 11th talk will be preceded by the Friends of Big Wood AGM.

Remember that all details are here on our web site so do signpost your local friends and neighbours to visit the site and encourage them join the Association and to be Friends Of Big Wood.


A great article was written by Peter Falk on the formation of Friends of Bigwood and published in the Suburb News

View article - Suburb News


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