Friends of Big Wood Nature Reserve
Newsletter - October 2018
Earlier this year a number of you wrote to the Council protesting against the application to fell a mature oak tree
at the Oakwood Road entrance to Big Wood standing in the garden of no 64. As a result of the pressure, the Council
put a TPO on the tree. However the agents of the insurance company Aviva have now come back with a second application to fell the tree as they allege its roots are causing damage to no 60. The Trust, RA and myself amoungst others have all written to the Council again arguing that this magnificent tree makes a huge contribution to the character and amenity of the area and needs to be preserved..
In addition, the application has not taken into account the danger of heave damage to a number of houses close to no 60 if the tree is felled.
The Council is influenced by how many people object so the more people who write the better.
Any objection must be received before the 25th October
The contact is Ms Ann Currell LBB Planning Services North London Business Park Oakleigh Road South London NW11 1NP
Application TPF/0429/18
We had a very good turnout for the September activity morning and managed to clear two glades, build some
traditional fencing and start the work of clearing the ditches so Barnet do not come in with their big machines
destroying the surrounding under storey. Many thanks to those who attended.
The next activity morning takes place next Saturday October 20th. As usual we will be meeting at 10am at the
top of Temple Fortune Hill. Anyone arriving late should telephone 07973541264 to ascertain where we are working.
These mornings will continue monthly until March 2019. As many of you who are able, please do come as there is, as usual, a lot to of work to do clearing the existing glades, repairing fencing, protecting saplings and clearing ditches to avoid the necessity of Barnet staff doing the work with tractors which severely damages the under story. These mornings start each Saturday morning at 10am at the Temple Fortune Hill entrance. Dates for the rest of 2018 are:-
Saturday October 20th
Saturday November 10th
Saturday December 8th These activity mornings are great fun and we also enjoy ourselves by having a “tea break” which includes mulled wine in cold weather.Thank you to all the regulars who work so hard. To the others, please do come.
Do not forget that Andy Overall is leading a fungi walk on Sunday October 28th. To reserve your place you
need to contact Bruce MacKay on This will be the last walk in 2018.
The next evening meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th December at 7.30pm at Fellowship House.
Edward Milner, who is a massive help to FOB as well as our doing spider surveys his authority and knowledge has been a huge help in saving the ancient oak in Big Wood. He will be showing his documentary on The Spirit of Trees, truly amazing, you will never look at a tree in the same way again.Tuesday December 11th at 7.30 at Fellowship House. Following the talk we will hold our annual Christmas party.
Again reserve the date.
Remember that all details are here on our web site so do signpost your local friends and neighbours to visit the site and encourage them join the Association and to be Friends Of Big Wood.
The Friends of Big Wood Organisation is aware of the new General Data Protection Legislation. Organisations such as ours, which keep a register of names purely for recreational reasons, are exempt from the new regulations. We would advise you all that the data stored is purely to enable us to provide information about Big Wood and no information will be passed to any third party. If, nevertheless, you would like your details deleted from the list, please email us
A great article was written by Peter Falk on the formation of Friends of Bigwood and published in the Suburb News
View article - Suburb New